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4 байта добавлено, 10:58, 24 июля 2017
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|favorites={{name|Autumn's Bounty|alt=Дары осени«Дары осени»}}{{name|Glazed Yams|alt=Глазированный батат}}{{name|Hot Pepper|alt=Жгучий перец}}{{name|Vegetable Medley|alt=Овощное ассорти}}
}}{{Переведите}}{{quote|I've been Mayor of [[Город Пеликан]] for over twenty years! No one ever runs against me when it's time for an election. I like to think that it means I'm doing my job well. I like being Mayor.|Льюис}}'''Lewis''' is the mayor of [[Город Пеликан]]. Along with [[Робин]], he greets you when you move to the Valley and explains a little bit about life on the farm. Lewis is known to have some sort of relations with [[Марни]], as the shorts he lost are found in her bedroom. As well as that, a note can be found in his bed room in the lower left on a shelf under a coffee mug, believed to be from [[Марни]]. The note is signed "-M"
